Just Wallpaper Inside

This BLOG just for free wallpaper,picture,funny,love galery ect.

  1. Log in to your Orkut profile and click on Photos.
  2. You can see a button there saying Create New Album. Click on it.
  3. create new album

  4. Give a title to your album. Fill up the description box and choose the album sharing option.
  5. orkut album settings

  6. Click on Create to get the new album created. Now you are done with creating a new Orkut Photo Album.
  7. It’s time to upload pics to your newly created album. For this click on Add Photos button.
  8. add photos to your orkut album

  9. A new window will pop up. Browse images that you want to upload.
  10. upload pics to orkut album

  11. Click on Upload Photos to resume the uploading process.
  12. orkut album pics

  13. Now the photos will start getting uploaded to your album. Once finished, you will see a new page like the below screenshot.
  14. orkut album pic name

  15. Give proper title to each of your pics, tick the box next to the image if you want to make it your album cover, or you may also delete the pic by choosing the option next to it.
  16. That’s it. Your orkut album is now ready for viewing.


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